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Epic stories about how:

  1. I built and sold the most epic companies without going insane 🤯
  2. I helped a whole country fight COVID-19 🦠 with Machine Learning
  3. I created a wealth management company from scratch and kicked Wall Street's ass
  4. I ran the first arbitrage algorithms on blockchain, made and lost everything (and then made them back) [...]
  5. Invested in a unicorn🦄 by being annoying

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Placing your first Forex trade with Python

Update: I updated the code so it works with Oanda's new API. Get it here

Time to talk about brokers, how to place a trade programmatically and most importantly how not to get scammed.

This is the third part of the series: How to build your own algotrading platform.

A …


Forex and Taxes for new traders

This is the another post of the series: How to build your own algotrading platform.

Update: The Machine Learning post is going to be epic but it takes so much time to make the code presentable. Bear with me, cool things are coming (as you've read at the newsletter)

Disclaimer …


Building the simplest backtesting system in Python

This is the another post of the series: How to build your own algotrading platform.

Last time we talked about The "for-looper" backtester (as I love to call them). Now it's time to see some code!

We said that we have something like that:

:::python for each element of readhistoricaldata …


Strategies for Forex and trading

This is the another post of the series: How to build your own algotrading platform.

What is a good algotrading system without some neat strategies to deploy?

Below there is a list of strategies that I found online (or sent to me by traders that are on the newsletter). I …


Building a backtesting system in Python: or how I lost $3400 in two hours

This is the another post of the series: How to build your own algotrading platform.

Building a backtest system is actually pretty easy. Easy to screw up I mean. Even though there are tons of excellent libraries out there (and we'll go through them at some point), I always like …


Downloading historical Forex tick data and importing them in to Python using Pandas

This is the another post of the series: How to build your own algotrading platform.

Before running any live algotrading system, it is a good practice to backtest (that means run a simulation) our algorithms. Have in mind that this doesn't mean that if your system is killing it for …

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