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Hello Kitty is not a cat and Why you should fail

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1/ Fail.

Do you want to always be mediocre in your life?

Avoid failure! 💀

📖 Story time.

I was training with a super famous bodybuilder, and after finishing a couple of tough sets, he asked me whether I really wanted to change my body or if this was something I do for fun.

I got kind of pissed as I was standing in a pool of sweat.

But that doesn't matter.

Perceived exertion is not real exertion.

He told me that when I feel my body shutting down, I have another 40% in the tank. I needed to go until muscular failure.

And he is not wrong, as research has shown time and time again that significant growth happens only when you approach total muscular failure.

I've met a lot of founders that have never failed. They go for the "easy" sets.

And by not failing, they will never grow. They will never learn.

For me, I keep doing crazy projects and trying out silly ideas because I want to push myself to fail

If you don't fail, you already failed.

2/ Hello Kitty

If we add the franchise of James Bond, Spiderman, and Marvel, we have a value of 💰 $75 Billion.

Hello Kitty alone has 💰 $89M.


Read about the whole crazy story here.

3/ A.I. Sleep

What if you get paid less than you do when you're sleep deprived at work? 🤔

Or pilots and surgeons, right before starting their shift, could be checked if they are fully rested?

A new A.I. algorithm can tell whether you are sleep deprived just by listening to a small sample of you talking.

The way this works is because sleep deprivation causes inflammation in the nose, eyes, and ears (no idea actually about the ears), and your voice changes a bit.

I would love this future to be included in phones, and you get a score of your "alertness".

4/ Delayed gratification and Temptation bundling

These are 2 techniques I use every day to get the most out of my life.

The concept is very simple: sacrifice now, score BIG later!

But just working hard isn't easy, right? Enter the temptation bundle.

Combine your guilty pleasures with challenging tasks, and BOOM💥!

Delayed gratification is one's ability to sacrifice or postpone immediate rewards in order to achieve something more rewarding in the future.

Temptation bundling is your new superpower.

Struggling with gym sessions? Watch your favorite shows ONLY when you work out. Workaholic? Indulge in your favorite beverage ONLY while tackling this project.

Temptation bundling illustration: examples of running on a treadmill to watch your favourite shows or ordering your favourite in a cafe only while working

👉 Try making these small changes to your routine, and I guarantee they will have significant results.

5/ AutoGPT and BabyAGI

The terms AutoGPT and BabyAGI have been everywhere in the last few days.

But what is this all about? These projects are experimental open-source attempts to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.

Simply put, they remove the need for the user to micromanage the AI to accomplish tasks and objectives. You give it an objective and goals, and it figures out what tasks to run to accomplish it without any user input.

How crazy is that? 🤯

That's all for now. See you next week!

- Jon V (as in Victory) 🚀

- Fri 21 April 2023


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I made it in a Hollywood movie for almost 1 second 🎥

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